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This show template and effect pack are designed for ease of use and customization. The template includes 41 image placeholders and was edited to th...
View full detailsPresenting multiple images in the same orientation has always been challenging! Our 21 Reflection Grid Template is designed to showcase all portrai...
View full detailsThis full show template includes 42 Slide Styles - 21 Light frames and 21 Dark frames in a wide variety of animations, all of which have variants f...
View full detailsThis is a set of 20 Slide Styles, nearly all of them adjust to any image orientation, giving you 52 variations! 20 still backgrounds and a video tu...
View full detailsThis is a full show template and pack of 30 Slide Styles (a few examples are shown in the thumbnails). Everything is customizable, including the te...
View full detailsThis is a pack of 28 Slide Styles and 40 still backgrounds for Photopia Director and Creator. The backgrounds can be changed easily, and the text ...
View full detailsThis is a single Slide Style for Photopia Director and Creator. It uses one Landscaped image.
This is a pack of 10 Slide Styles for Photopia Director and Creator. Each style will automatically adjust for a tall or wide image, giving you a t...
View full detailsThis style pack includes 20 slide styles that display your images in groups of 2, 3, 4, or 5. It also includes 25 still backgrounds that can be com...
View full detailsThis Style Pack comes with 15 Slide Styles that are easy to customize and a Show Template. There is no tutorial for this, as it is as easy as drag...
View full detailsThis Style comes with versions for both ProShow Gold and Producer.
This is a full Show Template and set of 20 Slide Styles for ProShow Producer 6. Flower Background images are included, but can be changed. A brie...
View full detailsThis Show and Collection of Styles is compatible with Producer 5.0 and higher This set comes with 23 Slide Styles, a Show file, and a video tuto...
View full detailsThis comes with two Slide Styles, one for Tall photos and one for Wide. Compatible with ProShow Gold and Producer 5 and higher. This was one of ...
View full detailsThis comes with two Slide Styles, one for Producer and one for Gold. This was designed for Producer 6, but if you have Producer 5, just delete the...
View full detailsThis Slide Style is compatible with ProShow Gold and Producer 4.5 and higher.
This Slide Style comes with two versions; one for Gold and one for Producer
This Style is compatible with both Producer and Gold 4.5 and higher. A separate file is included for each version.
This Style includes two versions; one for Producer and one for Gold. Compatible with 4.5 and higher.
These Slide Styles were designed for ProShow Producer 5. 7 Slide Styles are included as well as a PDF Tutorial.
This is a single Slide Style that is compatible with both ProShow Gold and Producer 4.5 and higher.
This is a single Slide Style that is compatible with both ProShow Gold and Producer 4.5 and higher.
This is a single Slide Style that is compatible with both ProShow Producer 4.5 and higher.