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Heart Mask Slide Style

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Betty - March 10, 2013

I’ve watched this several times and it is very very helpful. Jennifer, you are one of the best instructors and so knowledgeable of your products. Thank you very much and keep going!

Pam - February 24, 2013

Jennifer, this is a brilliant tutorial. I’ve made notes and will now type them up and then try to make the Slide Style.

Anonymous - September 17, 2012

This is a great tutorial. I’ve watched a lot of tutorials on Photoshop, Lightroom and using my camera, and this is one of the best tutorials I’ve ever watched. The pace makes it easy to follow and after following the steps in this tutorial, I was able to take the lessons learned and apply it to make other masks and slide styles — which is exactly what I did. I have a new slide style that just works for a particular slide show that I am doing. Thanks for helping me master this technique.

Thelma - August 24, 2012

Thanks so much. I ordered the heart and when I download, here was that great tutorial…so helpful!!!!!!!!!

Richard Swain - August 22, 2012

Great tutorial! Thank you very much!

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