Essentials - The Video Trim Window
The Video Trim feature in Photopia lets you easily trim the beginning or end of a video file you've added to a slide. Please note that you can only trim the ends of a video file, not the middle. ...
The Video Trim feature in Photopia lets you easily trim the beginning or end of a video file you've added to a slide. Please note that you can only trim the ends of a video file, not the middle. ...
In this tutorial you'll learn two ways to extend your video file if the slide time is longer than the video time. Introduction Why you would want to extend a video file Video Clip Settings Loop Video Hold Last Frame...
In this lesson for Photopia Director and Creator you'll learn how to:1. Bring your Soundtrack Volume down during a slide that has sound (such as a video file that has sound in it)2. Remove Audio from a Video File3. Ensure...
In this tutorial I'll show you how you can "extend" a video file if you don't have enough to cross into the next transition.
If you have a 30 second clip (or longer!) and only need 5 seconds of it, using the Trim tool inside Photopia doesn't stop Photopia from constantly accessing and reading the full 30 second file. In order to save your...
In this tutorial I'll show you how to turn a Still Image into a Video. At least, that's what it will look like to the viewer. In reality, its the other way around: pulling a still file out of...
If you're publishing a Video File (not a DVD) and you want it to loop when it's played back, you may have trouble finding the Loop Option when publishing a video file. Short answer: there isn't one. There never was...
In this tutorial I'll explain why your Slide Time may get locked without you realizing it, how you can un-lock it, and how you can lock it any time you want to.