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Using Photopia on Two Computers

Using Photopia on Two Computers

Your registration key allows you to install and use Photopia on two computers. If you plan to start a Project on one computer and finish it on another, there are some specific steps you'll need to take in order to do that.

In this tutorial we'll go over:

  1. Downloading the Photopia Installer
  2. Finding your Registration Keys
  3. Moving Files from one computer to another
  4. Locations of those files
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Michael A Paez - July 10, 2023

I was following Jennifer’s instructions on “Using Photopia on two Computers”. However, when I got to the part of moving my projects to the second computer(laptop) that’s where we differ. While in File Explorer Instead of seeing “This PC>Documents>Photopia Slide show” On the second computer I had “This PC>Windows SSD>Users>Michael>OneDrive>Document>Photopia Slide Shows”
Furthermore, on each level after and including “One Drive” I am seeing a red X. Where did I go wrong?

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