Staggered Two Line Title
In this tutorial you'll learn the basics for creating a two-line title slide with staggered fly-ins.
In this tutorial you'll learn the basics for creating a two-line title slide with staggered fly-ins.
In this lesson you'll learn how to set an Effect order for Caption Fly Ins and Director Users will learn how to apply that effect *per word* instead of per letter.
In this "Create It!" tutorial, we'll build another of my favorite Text animations, where one text line animates into a second text line. We'll use Fly In and Outs, then adjust their settings and keyframes.
In this tutorial you'll create an animated title slide that uses: Keyframes Special characters Word Slice Fly Ins (Director Only, but I include a work around for Creator!) Solid Layer Settings Masking Layers Keyframe Timeline If you're using ProShow Producer,...