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Photopia Update - Build 776

Photopia Update - Build 776

This update is mostly for fixes, not feature additions.  Here is a list of all the updates in this build:

Added options to Preferences for controlling Long Key Press behavior
Increased default delay for Long Key Press option
Changed label in File Information window
Fixed conflicts in project "Data" folder after replacing layer source file
Fixed volume issues with non-replaceable video layers in Slide Styles
Fixed issue with 'missing file' notice when original content is missing
Fixed the "Go To Slide" option for content in project "Data" folders
Fixed icon colors immediately after changing "Color Scheme"
Fixed issue that could prevent some projects from importing
Fixed usage indicator for audio files in project "Data" folder
Fixed incorrect path listing in File Information window
Fixed custom video layer sound settings being reset
Fixed issue with scrolling in Select Project window
Fixed incorrect input from non-English keyboards
Fixed issues with file modification detection
Fixed tool tip for volume control in Timeline
Fixed missing audio for video file previews
Fixed the Caps Lock for text entry fields

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